[Include] Interactive Gangzones - Форум Cheat-Master.ru
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Модератор форума: Phoenixxx_Czar, Getbackthere, [CM]OlegEhtler  
[Include] Interactive Gangzones
Herro[CM] Дата: Среда, 09.09.2015, 06:57 | Сообщение # 1
Сообщений: 425
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Приветствую вас, представляю вашему вниманию очень хороший include для создания ганг зон

Пользовательские границы с цветами
Пользовательские gangzone с размером, размер по умолчанию составляет 1,0
Очень легко управлять
Интерьер и поддержка Виртуального мира
Вход и выход gangzones обратные вызовы
Автоматически преобразует SAMP gangzones в интерактивные gangzones
Мигает gangzones
Уничтожить все gangzones на одним движением
Можно показать или скрыть все gangzones на одним движением



native GangZoneCreate(Float:minx, Float:miny, Float:maxx, Float:maxy, color = -1, interior = -1, virtualworld = -1, Float:bordersize = 1.0, bordercolor = 0x00000060);
native GangZoneDestory(zone);
native GangZoneExist(zone);
native GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, zone, color = -1, bordercolor = -1);
native GangZoneShowForAll(zone, color = -1, bordercolor = -1);
native GangZoneHideForPlayer(playerid, zone);
native GangZoneHideForAll(zone);
native GangZoneSetColorForPlayer(playerid, zone, color, bordercolor = 0x00000060);
native GangZoneSetColorForAll(playerid, zone, color, bordercolor = 0x00000060);
native GangZoneFlashForPlayer(playerid, zone, flashcolor);
native GangZoneFlashForAll(zone, flashcolor);
native GangZoneStopFlashForPlayer(playerid, zone);
native GangZoneStopFlashForAll(zone);
native GangZoneSetInterior(zone, interior);
native GangZoneGetInterior(zone);
native GangZoneSetVirtualWorld(zone, virtualworld);
native GangZoneGetVirtualWorld(zone);
native CountAllGangZones();
native DestroyAllGangZones();
native ShowAllGangZonesForPlayer(playerid, color = -1, bordercolor = -1);
native ShowAllGangZonesForAll(color = -1, bordercolor = -1);
native HideAllGangZonesForPlayer(playerid);
native HideAllGangZonesForAll();
native IsPlayerInGangZone(playerid, zone);
native IsPlayerInAnyGangZone(playerid);
native GetPlayerGangZone(playerid);

public OnPlayerEnterGangZone(playerid, zone);
public OnPlayerLeaveGangZone(playerid, zone);

Сам include

#include <streamer>

#define MAX_ZONES 1024//maximum gangzones your server can have, the limit is upto 1024 and minimum 5
//Note: Creating one interactive gangzone makes total 5 zones, 4 for borders and 1 for the main zone!

enum GangzoneInfo
static gGangzone[MAX_ZONES][GangzoneInfo];

static bool:gPlayerShown[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_ZONES];
static gPlayerColor[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_ZONES];
static gPlayerBorderColor[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_ZONES];

static gPlayerWorld[MAX_PLAYERS];

//Note: if you use this in a filterscript, please define "FILTERSCRIPT" in your script
#if defined FILTERSCRIPT// if used in a filterscript

  public OnFilterScriptInit()
      DestroyAllGangZones();//destory all gangzones

      #if defined GZ_OnFilterScriptInit
   return 1;
  #if defined _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit
   #undef OnFilterScriptInit
   #define _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit
  #define OnFilterScriptInit GZ_OnFilterScriptInit
  #if defined GZ_OnFilterScriptInit
   forward GZ_OnFilterScriptInit();

  public OnFilterScriptExit()
      DestroyAllGangZones();//destory all gangzones

      #if defined GZ_OnFilterScriptExit
   return 1;
  #if defined _ALS_OnFilterScriptExit
   #undef OnFilterScriptExit
   #define _ALS_OnFilterScriptExit
  #define OnFilterScriptExit GZ_OnFilterScriptExit
  #if defined GZ_OnFilterScriptExit
   forward GZ_OnFilterScriptExit();

#else// if used in a gamemode

  public OnGameModeInit()
      DestroyAllGangZones();//destory all gangzones

      #if defined GZ_OnGameModeInit
   return 1;
  #if defined _ALS_OnGameModeInit
   #undef OnGameModeInit
   #define _ALS_OnGameModeInit
  #define OnGameModeInit GZ_OnGameModeInit
  #if defined GZ_OnGameModeInit
   forward GZ_OnGameModeInit();

  public OnGameModeExit()
      DestroyAllGangZones();//destory all gangzones

      #if defined GZ_OnGameModeExit
   return 1;
  #if defined _ALS_OnGameModeExit
   #undef OnGameModeExit
   #define _ALS_OnGameModeExit
  #define OnGameModeExit GZ_OnGameModeExit
  #if defined GZ_OnGameModeExit
   forward GZ_OnGameModeExit();


stock GangZoneCreate_(Float:minx, Float:miny, Float:maxx, Float:maxy, color = -1, interior = -1, virtualworld = -1, Float:bordersize = 1.0, bordercolor = 0x00000060)
  new E_zone = GangZoneCreate(minx, miny, maxx, maxy);//the main zone

  gGangzone[E_zone][E_minx] = minx;
  gGangzone[E_zone][E_miny] = miny;
  gGangzone[E_zone][E_maxx] = maxx;
  gGangzone[E_zone][E_maxy] = maxy;

  gGangzone[E_zone][E_interior] = interior;
  gGangzone[E_zone][E_virtualworld] = virtualworld;

  for(new players = 0; players < MAX_PLAYERS; players++)//setting player data
         gPlayerShown[players][E_zone] = false;
       gPlayerColor[players][E_zone] = color;
         gPlayerBorderColor[players][E_zone] = bordercolor;

  #define SEPERATION  (2.0*bordersize)//the seperation value to differenciate borders from gangzone, set accordingly! (Default: 2.0)
  gGangzone[E_zone][E_border][0] = GangZoneCreate(minx - SEPERATION, miny, minx + SEPERATION, maxy);//border 1
  gGangzone[E_zone][E_border][1] = GangZoneCreate(minx - SEPERATION, maxy - SEPERATION, maxx, maxy + SEPERATION);//border 2
  gGangzone[E_zone][E_border][2] = GangZoneCreate(maxx - SEPERATION, miny, maxx + SEPERATION, maxy);//border 3
  gGangzone[E_zone][E_border][3] = GangZoneCreate(minx - SEPERATION, miny - SEPERATION, maxx, miny + SEPERATION);//border 4

  gGangzone[E_zone][E_dynamic] = CreateDynamicRectangle(minx, miny, maxx, maxy, virtualworld, interior, -1);//creating the dynamic zone

  gGangzone[E_zone][E_exist] = true;//finally, zone exists!
  return E_zone;
#if defined _ALS_GangZoneCreate
     #undef GangZoneCreate
     #define _ALS_GangZoneCreate
#define GangZoneCreate GangZoneCreate_

stock GangZoneDestroy_(zone)
    if(! gGangzone[zone][E_exist]) return false;//check if exists

  for(new players = 0; players < MAX_PLAYERS; players++)//remove player data
       gPlayerColor[players][zone] = -1;
         gPlayerShown[players][zone] = false;
         gPlayerBorderColor[players][zone] = -1;

    gGangzone[zone][E_minx] = 0.0;
  gGangzone[zone][E_miny] = 0.0;
  gGangzone[zone][E_maxx] = 0.0;
  gGangzone[zone][E_maxy] = 0.0;

  gGangzone[zone][E_interior] = -1;
  gGangzone[zone][E_virtualworld] = -1;

  gGangzone[zone][E_dynamic] = -1;

     GangZoneDestroy(zone);//destroy main zone

   for(new border = 0; border < 4; border++)//destroy all 4 borders

  DestroyDynamicArea(gGangzone[zone][E_dynamic]);//destory dynamic area

   gGangzone[zone][E_exist] = false;//finally, zone doesn't exists
    return true;
#if defined _ALS_GangZoneDestroy
     #undef GangZoneDestroy
     #define _ALS_GangZoneDestroy
#define GangZoneDestroy GangZoneDestroy_

stock GangZoneExist(zone)
     if(zone < 0 || zone >= MAX_ZONES)
      printf("Error::GangZoneExist()::Out Of Bounds::%i", zone);//by pottus
   return false;//if invalid zone id

  return gGangzone[zone][E_exist];//check if zone exists!

stock GangZoneShowForPlayer_(playerid, zone, color = -1, bordercolor = -1)
  NOTE: if color is "-1" and if bordercolor is "-1", then the system will set
    the zone color automatically to default(the one set on creating the zone)!

    if(! GangZoneExist(zone)) return false;

    if(color != -1) gPlayerColor[playerid][zone] = color;
    if(bordercolor != -1) gPlayerBorderColor[playerid][zone] = bordercolor;

  GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, zone, gPlayerColor[playerid][zone]);
   for(new border = 0; border < 4; border++) GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, gGangzone[zone][E_border][border], gPlayerBorderColor[playerid][zone]);

  gPlayerShown[playerid][zone] = true;

  return true;
#if defined _ALS_GangZoneShowForPlayer
     #undef GangZoneShowForPlayer
     #define _ALS_GangZoneShowForPlayer
#define GangZoneShowForPlayer GangZoneShowForPlayer_

stock GangZoneShowForAll_(zone, color = -1, bordercolor = -1)
    if(! GangZoneExist(zone)) return false;

   for(new players = 0; players < MAX_PLAYERS; players++)
   GangZoneShowForPlayer(players, zone, color);
   for(new border = 0; border < 4; border++) GangZoneShowForPlayer(players, gGangzone[zone][E_border][border], bordercolor);
  return true;
#if defined _ALS_GangZoneShowForAll
     #undef GangZoneShowForAll
     #define _ALS_GangZoneShowForAll
#define GangZoneShowForAll GangZoneShowForAll_

stock GangZoneHideForPlayer_(playerid, zone)
    if(! GangZoneExist(zone)) return false;

  GangZoneHideForPlayer(playerid, zone);
  for(new border = 0; border < 4; border++) GangZoneHideForPlayer(playerid, gGangzone[zone][E_border][border]);

  gPlayerShown[playerid][zone] = false;
  return true;
#if defined _ALS_GangZoneHideForPlayer
     #undef GangZoneHideForPlayer
     #define _ALS_GangZoneHideForPlayer
#define GangZoneHideForPlayer GangZoneHideForPlayer_

stock GangZoneHideForAll_(zone)
    if(! GangZoneExist(zone)) return false;

  for(new border = 0; border < 4; border++) GangZoneHideForAll(gGangzone[zone][E_border][border]);

   for(new players = 0; players < MAX_PLAYERS; players++) gPlayerShown[players][zone] = false;

  return true;
#if defined _ALS_GangZoneHideForAll
     #undef GangZoneHideForAll
     #define _ALS_GangZoneHideForAll
#define GangZoneHideForAll GangZoneHideForAll_

stock GangZoneSetColorForPlayer(playerid, zone, color, bordercolor = -1)
    if(! GangZoneExist(zone)) return false;

     if(gPlayerShown[playerid][zone]) GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, zone, color, bordercolor);

     return true;

stock GangZoneSetColorForAll(zone, color, bordercolor = -1)
    if(! GangZoneExist(zone)) return false;

     for(new players = 0; players < MAX_PLAYERS; players++)
          GangZoneShowForPlayer(players, zone, color, bordercolor);
  return true;
//the flashing functions are same as that of samp!
// GangZoneFlashForPlayer(playerid, zone, flashcolor);

// GangZoneFlashForAll(zone, flashcolor);

// GangZoneStopFlashForPlayer(playerid, zone);

// GangZoneStopFlashForAll(zone);

stock GangZoneSetInterior(zone, interior)
  NOTE: if interior is set to "-1", it means all the interiors, so the zone will be visible in all interiors!

    if(! GangZoneExist(zone)) return false;

     gGangzone[zone][E_interior] = interior;
  return true;

stock GangZoneGetInterior(zone)
    if(! GangZoneExist(zone)) return false;

  return gGangzone[zone][E_interior];

stock GangZoneSetVirtualWorld(zone, virtualworld)
  NOTE: if virtualworld is set to "-1", it means all the virtualworld, so the zone will be visible in all virtualworld!

    if(! GangZoneExist(zone)) return false;

     gGangzone[zone][E_virtualworld] = virtualworld;
  return true;

stock GangZoneGetVirtualWorld(zone)
    if(! GangZoneExist(zone)) return false;

  return gGangzone[zone][E_virtualworld];

stock CountAllGangZones()
  new count = 0;
     for(new zone = 0; zone < MAX_ZONES; zone++)
          count ++;
  return count;

stock DestroyAllGangZones()
  for(new zone = 0; zone < MAX_ZONES; zone++)
  return true;

stock ShowAllGangZonesForPlayer(playerid, color = -1, bordercolor = -1)
  for(new zone = 0; zone < MAX_ZONES; zone++)
          GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, zone, color, bordercolor);
  return true;

stock ShowAllGangZonesForAll(color = -1, bordercolor = -1)
  for(new zone = 0; zone < MAX_ZONES; zone++)
          GangZoneShowForAll(zone color, bordercolor);
  return true;

stock HideAllGangZonesForPlayer(playerid)
  for(new zone = 0; zone < MAX_ZONES; zone++)
          GangZoneHideForPlayer(playerid, zone);
  return true;

stock HideAllGangZonesForAll()
  for(new zone = 0; zone < MAX_ZONES; zone++)
  return true;

stock IsPlayerInGangZone(playerid, zone)
    if(! GangZoneExist(zone)) return false;

  if(IsPlayerInDynamicArea(playerid, gGangzone[zone][E_dynamic])) return true;
  return false;

stock IsPlayerInAnyGangZone(playerid)
  if(! IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) return false;

  if(IsPlayerInAnyDynamicArea(playerid)) return true;
  return false;

stock GetPlayerGangZone(playerid)
  if(! IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) return false;

  return GetPlayerNumberDynamicAreas(playerid);

public OnPlayerInteriorChange(playerid, newinteriorid, oldinteriorid)
     for(new zone = 0; zone < MAX_ZONES; zone++)
           if(gGangzone[zone][E_interior] != -1)
               if(newinteriorid != gGangzone[zone][E_interior])
       GangZoneHideForPlayer(playerid, zone);
  #if defined GZ_OnPlayerInteriorChange
   GZ_OnPlayerInteriorChange(playerid, newinteriorid, oldinteriorid);
  return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerInteriorChange
  #undef OnPlayerInteriorChange
  #define _ALS_OnPlayerInteriorChange
#define OnPlayerInteriorChange GZ_OnPlayerInteriorChange
#if defined GZ_OnPlayerInteriorChange
  forward GZ_OnPlayerInteriorChange(playerid);

stock SetPlayerVirtualWorld_(playerid, worldid)
     gPlayerWorld[playerid] = worldid;
  return SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, worldid);
#if defined _ALS_SetPlayerVirtualWorld
     #undef SetPlayerVirtualWorld
     #define _ALS_SetPlayerVirtualWorld
#define SetPlayerVirtualWorld SetPlayerVirtualWorld_

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
  if(gPlayerWorld[playerid] != GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid))
      CallLocalFunction("GZ_OnPlayerVirtualWorldChange", "iii", playerid, gPlayerWorld[playerid], GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid));
      gPlayerWorld[playerid] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
     #if defined GZ_OnPlayerUpdate
  return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerUpdate
  #undef OnPlayerUpdate
  #define _ALS_OnPlayerUpdate
#define OnPlayerUpdate GZ_OnPlayerUpdate
#if defined GZ_OnPlayerUpdate
  forward GZ_OnPlayerUpdate(playerid);

forward GZ_OnPlayerVirtualWorldChange(playerid, newworld, oldword);
public GZ_OnPlayerVirtualWorldChange(playerid, newworld, oldword)
     for(new zone = 0; zone < MAX_ZONES; zone++)
           if(gGangzone[zone][E_virtualworld] != -1)
               if(newworld != gGangzone[zone][E_virtualworld])
       GangZoneHideForPlayer(playerid, zone);
  return 1;

public OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea(playerid, areaid)
     for(new zone = 0; zone < MAX_ZONES; zone++)
    if(areaid == gGangzone[zone][E_dynamic])
           CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerEnterGangZone", "dd", playerid, zone);
     #if defined GZ_OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea
   GZ_OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea(playerid, areaid);
  return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea
  #undef OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea
  #define _ALS_OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea
#define OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea GZ_OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea
#if defined GZ_OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea
  forward GZ_OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea(playerid, areaid);

//the system callback
forward OnPlayerEnterGangZone(playerid, zone);

public OnPlayerLeaveDynamicArea(playerid, areaid)
     for(new zone = 0; zone < MAX_ZONES; zone++)
    if(areaid == gGangzone[zone][E_dynamic])
           CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerLeaveGangZone", "dd", playerid, zone);
     #if defined GZ_OnPlayerLeaveDynamicArea
   GZ_OnPlayerLeaveDynamicArea(playerid, areaid);
  return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerLeaveDynamicArea
  #undef OnPlayerLeaveDynamicArea
  #define _ALS_OnPlayerLeaveDynamicArea
#define OnPlayerLeaveDynamicArea GZ_OnPlayerLeaveDynamicArea
#if defined GZ_OnPlayerLeaveDynamicArea
  forward GZ_OnPlayerLeaveDynamicArea(playerid, areaid);

//the system callback
forward OnPlayerLeaveGangZone(playerid, zone);

Author: (creator) : Gammix

Когда нет знания, есть мнение.
Амасинк Дата: Среда, 09.09.2015, 15:47 | Сообщение # 2
Сообщений: 267
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Бли из-за этого цвета просто всё плывёт в глазах.. Сделай че нить потемнее (вообще черный заюзай - норм будет)

Помогаю новичкам в pawn
[CM]Kingster Дата: Среда, 09.09.2015, 17:30 | Сообщение # 3
Сообщений: 245
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По пробую на выходных

Пользователь Cheat - Master уже 400 дней.

Я в Контакте - vk.com/buddy_fly
tagart Дата: Понедельник, 02.11.2015, 10:57 | Сообщение # 4
Сообщений: 7
Статус: Offline
Амасинк, сам поменяй в коде.
[Steep] Дата: Вторник, 03.11.2015, 20:40 | Сообщение # 5
Сообщений: 96
Статус: Offline
Зоны с обводкой?

Herro[CM] Дата: Среда, 04.11.2015, 02:15 | Сообщение # 6
Сообщений: 425
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Цитата [Steep
;3347632]Зоны с обводкой?

Границы зон можно задать отдельным цветом
native GangZoneCreate(Float:minx, Float:miny, Float:maxx, Float:maxy, color = -1, interior = -1, virtualworld = -1, Float:bordersize = 1.0, bordercolor = 0x00000060);

bordercolor - и есть цвет границы

Когда нет знания, есть мнение.

Сообщение отредактировал Herro[CM] - Среда, 04.11.2015, 02:29
Плисс Дата: Вторник, 19.07.2016, 21:11 | Сообщение # 7
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Кросс,полезная темка!
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