Vasyasirotov1 |
Дата: Понедельник, 04.11.2019, 18:24 | Сообщение # 1
Сообщений: 1
Статус: Offline
Помогите убрать все URL со скрипта shpora.cs на скрипте имеются URL на посторонний сайт.
Добавлено (04.11.2019, 18:27) --------------------------------------------- просто убрать все примечания сайта Blasthack и само именование всего url в целом со скрипта ![cry](/.s/sm/2/cry.gif)
Добавлено (07.11.2019, 14:17) ---------------------------------------------
Код {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP
0662: script "VALDAN" 0662: script "Äëÿ òåõ,êòî ïîêóïàë áîòà øàõòåðà íà ARP è DRP -"
gosub @provSF repeat wait 0 until 0AFA: is_samp_available 0AB4: 0@ = var 174 0@ == 0 jf @INTF gosub @provCS wait 1000 alloc 1@ 66 alloc 2@ 66 alloc 3@ 96 if or 8AF4: 1@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "SHPORA" key "V_Chat" 8AF0: 12@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "SHPORA" key "key" 8AF4: 3@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "INF" key "INF" then 0AE5: create_directory "CLEO\SHPORA" 0AE5: create_directory "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS" 12@ = 115 format 1@ "shp" format 3@ "Èíñòðóêöèÿ è îïèñàíèå îò àâòîðà: [VaLdaN] BLASTHACK.NET http:%c/" 47 0AF5: write_string 1@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "SHPORA" key "V_Chat" 0AF1: write_int 12@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "SHPORA" key "key" 0AF5: write_string 3@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "INF" key "INF" 0@ = File.Open("CLEO\SHPORA\Èíñòðóêöèÿ.txt", "w") 0AD9: write_formatted_text "%s" in_file 0@ 3@ File.Close(0@) end format 2@ "%s" 1@ 0B34: samp register_client_command 2@ to_label @activation 0B00: delete_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\list.ini" format 2@ "CLEO\SHPORA" format 3@ "%s\*.txt" 2@ if 0AE6: 31@ = find_first_file 3@ get_filename_to 2@ then 0@ = File.Open("CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SHPORA.ini", "w") repeat wait 0 format 1@ "CLEO\SHPORA\%s" 2@ if 0AAB: file_exists 1@ then 4@ += 1 0AD3: string_format 5@v format "%d" 4@ 0C16: 3@ = strtok string1 2@ string2 "." 0AD9: write_formatted_text "%s%c" in_file 0@ 3@ 0xA 0AF5: write_string 3@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\list.ini" section "Shpora" key 5@v end until 8AE7: 2@ = find_next_file 31@ File.Close(0@) 1@ = 0 2@ = 0 3@ = 0 end if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\FON.jpg" then 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "{FFAB00}Äîáàâü èçîáðîæåíèå ñ íàçâàíèåì {77FF00}FON.jpg {FFAB00}ïî ïóòè {77FF00}CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS" color 0x77FF00 0@ = File.Open("CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\FON.jpg", "w") 0AD9: write_formatted_text "" in_file 0@ File.Close(0@) end 0B71: render 31@ = load_texture_from_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\FON.jpg"
:1 wait 0 if or 0AB0: key_pressed 12@ 11@ == 1 jf @1 11@ = 1 call @language 0 25@ 26@ 0B5D: samp toggle_cursor 1 alloc 13@ 66 alloc 14@ 66 format 13@ "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SHPORA.ini" format 14@ "{CCDE2B}Ñïèñîê"
:2 10@ = File.Open(13@, "rt") 0AC8: 3@ = allocate_memory_size 328 0C11: memset destination 3@ value 0 size 328 15@ = 0 repeat if File.ReadString(10@, 3@, 328) then 0C17: 16@ = strlen 3@ if and not 16@ == 0 001D: 16@ > 15@ then 0085: 15@ = 16@ end 0C11: memset destination 3@ value 0 size 328 end until File.EOF(10@) free 3@ File.Close(10@) 0AB4: 5@ = var 380 0AB4: 6@ = var 381 if and 5@ == 0 6@ == 0 then SAMP.GetScreenResolution(5@, 6@) 5@ /= 2 6@ /= 2 else 0AB4: 3@ = var 382 0AB4: 10@ = var 383 3@ /= 2 10@ /= 2 005A: 5@ += 3@ 005A: 6@ += 10@ end if 15@ > 40 then if 15@ > 70 then if and 15@ > 70 15@ < 100 then 15@ -= 5 else 15@ -= 9 end end SAMP.GetScreenResolution(1@, 0) 15@ *= 10 if 001D: 15@ > 1@ then 1@ -= 200 0085: 15@ = 1@ end 0085: 20@ = 15@ 0085: 16@ = 15@ 16@ /= 2 0085: 17@ = 16@ 0085: 18@ = 16@ 17@ += 7 18@ += 60 if 18@ > 475 then 18@ = 475 0085: 17@ = 18@ 0085: 16@ = 18@ 17@ -= 53 16@ -= 60 end 0085: 21@ = 18@ 20@ /= 2 0085: 19@ = 20@ 21@ /= 2 0062: 5@ -= 20@ 0062: 6@ -= 21@ else 15@ = 400 16@ = 215 17@ = 222 18@ = 275 0085: 20@ = 15@ 0085: 21@ = 18@ 20@ /= 2 0085: 19@ = 20@ 21@ /= 2 0062: 5@ -= 20@ 0062: 6@ -= 21@ end 0AB3: var 380 = 5@ 0AB3: var 381 = 6@ 0B80: dialog 0@ = create 14@ 0B84: dialog 0@ set_pos_XY 5@ 6@ size 15@ 18@ call @color 0 29@ 28@ 27@ 0B93: dialog 0@ set_background_color 27@ 0B99: dialog 0@ add_listbox id 1 pos_XY 0 0 size 15@ 16@ if 11@ == 1 then 19@ -= 170 else 19@ -= 110 0B82: dialog 0@ add_button id 2 text "íàçàä" pos_XY 19@ 17@ size 100 30 end 19@ += 120 0B82: dialog 0@ add_button id 3 text "çàêðûòü" pos_XY 19@ 17@ size 100 30 17@ += 5 0B82: dialog 0@ add_button id 4 text "{844040}v" pos_XY 10 17@ size 20 20 0B82: dialog 0@ add_button id 17 text "{30771F}k" pos_XY 40 17@ size 20 20 17@ += 45 0B83: dialog 0@ add_checkbox id 5 text "{CCDE2B}Ñòðîêà ââîäà" pos_XY 5 17@ size 150 20 0B91: dialog 0@ add_static id 10 text "{CCDE2B}Ôîòî:" pos_XY 180 17@ size 50 20 0B96: dialog 0@ add_slider id 6 pos_XY 230 17@ size 150 20 max 255 17@ += 45 0B91: dialog 0@ add_static id 13 text "{89FF00}Ôîí" pos_XY 10 17@ size 50 20 0B91: dialog 0@ add_static id 14 text "{89FF00}Öâåò" pos_XY 355 17@ size 50 20 17@ -= 15 0B96: dialog 0@ add_slider id 11 pos_XY 55 17@ size 140 20 max 255 0B96: dialog 0@ add_slider id 12 pos_XY 205 17@ size 140 20 max 255 17@ += 30 0B96: dialog 0@ add_slider id 15 pos_XY 55 17@ size 140 20 max 255 0B96: dialog 0@ add_slider id 16 pos_XY 205 17@ size 140 20 max 255 17@ -= 100 0B88: dialog 0@ add_editbox id 7 text "" pos_XY 0 -60 size 15@ 40 0B82: dialog 0@ add_button id 19 text "0" pos_XY -32 -60 size 30 40 15@ += 2 0B82: dialog 0@ add_button id 18 text "" pos_XY 15@ -60 size 30 40 15@ -= 67 0B91: dialog 0@ add_static id 8 text "{844040}VALDAN" pos_XY 15@ 17@ size 60 20 15@ -= 85 17@ -= 40 0B91: dialog 0@ add_static id 9 text "{3E3B8D}BLASTHACK.NET" pos_XY 15@ 17@ size 150 20 15@ += 150 0AB4: 30@ = var 384 if 30@ == 1 then 0B9E: dialog 0@ checkbox 5 set_checked 1 0B90: dialog 0@ control 7 set_visible 1 0B90: dialog 0@ control 18 set_visible 1 0B90: dialog 0@ control 19 set_visible 1 else 0B9E: dialog 0@ checkbox 5 set_checked 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 7 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 18 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 19 set_visible 0 end 0BAA: dialog 0@ set_checkbox 1 color 28@ 0B90: dialog 0@ control 5 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 6 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 10 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 11 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 12 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 13 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 14 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 15 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 16 set_visible 0 10@ = File.Open(13@, "rt") 0AC8: 3@ = allocate_memory_size 328 0C11: memset destination 3@ value 0 size 328 repeat if File.ReadString(10@, 3@, 328) then 0B9A: dialog 0@ listbox 1 insert_element 3@ with_data 4@ after -1 0C11: memset destination 3@ value 0 size 328 end until File.EOF(10@) free 3@ File.Close(10@) alloc 4@ 328
:3 wait 0 0B81: dialog 0@ pop_event_to 1@ control_id_to 2@ if 2@ == 1 then if 1@ == 1793 then 0B9B: dialog 0@ listbox 2@ selected_element_to 3@ elements_count_to 0 0B9D: dialog 0@ listbox 2@ element 3@ store_text_to 4@ data_to 5@ if not 11@ == 1 then 0AF9: samp say_msg "%s" 4@ else 3@ += 1 0AD3: string_format 6@v format "%d" 3@ 0AF4: 14@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\list.ini" section "Shpora" key 6@v format 13@ "CLEO\SHPORA\%s.txt" 14@ 11@ = 0 0B86: dialog 0@ set_visible 0 0BA4: dialog 0@ free goto @2 end end if 1@ == 1794 then 0B9B: dialog 0@ listbox 2@ selected_element_to 3@ elements_count_to 0 0B9D: dialog 0@ listbox 2@ element 3@ store_text_to 4@ data_to 5@ if not 11@ == 1 then if 8B95: dialog 0@ control 7 is_visible then 0B90: dialog 0@ control 7 set_visible 1 0B90: dialog 0@ control 18 set_visible 1 0B90: dialog 0@ control 19 set_visible 1 end 0B94: dialog 0@ set_control 7 text 4@ 0C17: 5@ = strlen 4@ format 14@ "%d" 5@ Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 19, 14@) end end end if and 2@ == 2 SAMP.IsCursorActive then if 11@ == 0 then 11@ = 1 0B86: dialog 0@ set_visible 0 0BA4: dialog 0@ free goto @1 end end if and 2@ == 3 SAMP.IsCursorActive then 11@ = 0 0B5D: samp toggle_cursor 0 0B86: dialog 0@ set_visible 0 0BA4: dialog 0@ free free 4@ free 13@ free 14@ goto @1 end if and 2@ == 4 SAMP.IsCursorActive then if 0B95: dialog 0@ control 5 is_visible then 0B90: dialog 0@ control 5 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 6 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 10 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 11 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 12 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 13 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 14 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 15 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 16 set_visible 0 else 0B90: dialog 0@ control 5 set_visible 1 0B90: dialog 0@ control 6 set_visible 1 0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "fon" 0B98: dialog 0@ slider 6 set_value_to 3@ 0B90: dialog 0@ control 10 set_visible 1 0B90: dialog 0@ control 11 set_visible 1 0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color1" 0B98: dialog 0@ slider 11 set_value_to 3@ 0B90: dialog 0@ control 12 set_visible 1 0B98: dialog 0@ slider 12 set_value_to 30 0B90: dialog 0@ control 13 set_visible 1 0B90: dialog 0@ control 14 set_visible 1 0B90: dialog 0@ control 15 set_visible 1 0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color2" 0B98: dialog 0@ slider 15 set_value_to 3@ 0B90: dialog 0@ control 16 set_visible 1 0B98: dialog 0@ slider 16 set_value_to 15 end end if 2@ == 5 then if 0B92: dialog 0@ checkbox 2@ is_checked then 0AB3: var 384 = 1 0B90: dialog 0@ control 7 set_visible 1 0B90: dialog 0@ control 18 set_visible 1 0B90: dialog 0@ control 19 set_visible 1 else 0AB3: var 384 = 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 7 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 18 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 19 set_visible 0 end end if 1@ == 1281 then if 2@ == 6 then 0B97: dialog 0@ slider 2@ get_value_to 3@ 0AF1: write_int 3@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "fon" 0B67: render a 3@ r 255 g 255 b 255 to_argb 29@ end if 2@ == 11 then 0B97: dialog 0@ slider 2@ get_value_to 3@ call @SETfon 2 3@ 2@ 28@ 0BAA: dialog 0@ set_checkbox 1 color 28@ end if 2@ == 12 then 0B97: dialog 0@ slider 2@ get_value_to 3@ call @SETcolor 2 2@ 3@ 28@ 0BAA: dialog 0@ set_checkbox 1 color 28@ end if 2@ == 15 then 0B97: dialog 0@ slider 2@ get_value_to 3@ call @SETfon 2 3@ 2@ 27@ 0B93: dialog 0@ set_background_color 27@ end if 2@ == 16 then 0B97: dialog 0@ slider 2@ get_value_to 3@ call @SETcolor 2 2@ 3@ 27@ 0B93: dialog 0@ set_background_color 27@ end end if 2@ == 17 then 0AB1: call_scm_func @SetCursorPos 3 0 0 0@ 0B5D: samp toggle_cursor 0 end if 2@ == 18 then 0AA7: call_function 26@ num_params 2 pop 0 8 1 23@ 0AB1: call_scm_func @SetCursorPos 3 5@ 6@ 0@ end if 0B95: dialog 0@ control 18 is_visible then gosub @Getlanguage end if 2@ == 19 then 0B94: dialog 0@ set_control 7 text "" format 14@ "0" Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 19, 14@) 0AB1: call_scm_func @SetCursorPos 3 5@ 6@ 0@ end if 2@ == 7 then if 1@ == 1537 then 0AF9: samp say_msg "%s" 4@ 0B94: dialog 0@ set_control 7 text "" format 14@ "0" Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 19, 14@) 0AB4: 30@ = var 384 if 30@ == 0 then 0B90: dialog 0@ control 7 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 18 set_visible 0 0B90: dialog 0@ control 19 set_visible 0 end end if 1@ == 1538 then 0C11: memset destination 4@ value 0x0 size 128 0B89: dialog 0@ get_control 2@ text_to 4@ 0C17: 5@ = strlen 4@ format 14@ "%d" 5@ Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 19, 14@) end end 0AB4: 5@ = var 380 0AB4: 6@ = var 381 0AB3: var 382 = 15@ 0AB3: var 383 = 18@ 0B73: render draw_texture 31@ pos 5@ 6@ size 15@ 18@ rotation 0.0 color 29@ call @CursorPos 3 0@ 31@ 29@ if and 0AB0: key_pressed 4 8B8C: samp is_cursor_active then 0B5D: samp toggle_cursor 1 end goto @3
:CursorPos if and 0AB0: key_pressed 1 SAMP.IsCursorActive then 0B5E: get_cursor_pos 28@ 27@ Dialog.GetRECT(0@, 3@, 4@, 20@, 19@) 20@ -= 30 if and 001D: 28@ > 3@ 001D: 27@ > 4@ then 005A: 3@ += 20@ 005A: 4@ += 19@ if and 001D: 3@ > 28@ 001D: 4@ > 27@ then 0062: 3@ -= 20@ 0062: 4@ -= 19@ 0062: 28@ -= 3@ 0062: 27@ -= 4@ 20@ += 30 repeat wait 0 0B5E: get_cursor_pos 3@ 4@ 0062: 3@ -= 28@ 0062: 4@ -= 27@ Dialog.SetRECT(0@, 3@, 4@, 20@, 19@) 0B73: render draw_texture 1@ pos 3@ 4@ size 20@ 19@ rotation 0.0 color 2@ 0AB3: var 380 = 3@ 0AB3: var 381 = 4@ until 8AB0: key_pressed 1 end end end ret 0
:color alloc 7@ 20 if 8AF0: 0@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "fon" then 0@ = 180 0AF1: write_int 0@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "fon" end 0B67: render a 0@ r 255 g 255 b 255 to_argb 1@ if 8AF4: 7@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color1" then format 7@ "80 255 0 0" 0AF5: write_string 7@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color1" end 0AD4: 31@ = scan_string 7@ format "%d %d %d %d" 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@ 0B67: render a 2@ r 3@ g 4@ b 5@ to_argb 8@ if 8AF4: 7@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color2" then format 7@ "0 0 0 0" 0AF5: write_string 7@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color2" end 0AD4: 31@ = scan_string 7@ format "%d %d %d %d" 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@ 0B67: render a 2@ r 3@ g 4@ b 5@ to_argb 9@ free 7@ ret 3 1@ 8@ 9@
:SETcolor alloc 31@ 20 if 0@ == 12 then 0AF4: 31@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color1" end if 0@ == 16 then 0AF4: 31@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color2" end 0AD4: 3@ = scan_string 31@ format "%d %d %d %d" 14@ 15@ 16@ 17@ if and 15@ == 255 16@ == 0 17@ >= 1 then 17@ -= 15 if 17@ < 10 then 15@ = 0 17@ = 0 end gosub @SetColor1 end if and 15@ <= 254 16@ == 0 17@ == 255 then 15@ += 15 gosub @SetColor1 end if and 15@ == 0 16@ >= 1 17@ == 255 then 16@ -= 15 gosub @SetColor1 end if and 15@ == 0 16@ == 255 17@ <= 254 then 17@ += 15 gosub @SetColor1 end if and 15@ >= 1 16@ == 255 17@ == 0 then 15@ -= 15 gosub @SetColor1 end if and 15@ == 255 16@ <= 254 17@ == 0 then 16@ += 15 gosub @SetColor1 end if and 15@ <= 254 16@ == 0 17@ == 0 then 15@ += 15 gosub @SetColor1 end if 1@ == 0 then 15@ = 0 16@ = 0 17@ = 0 gosub @SetColor1 end ret 1 30@
:SetColor1 format 31@ "%d %d %d %d" 14@ 15@ 16@ 17@ if 0@ == 12 then 0AF5: write_string 31@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color1" end if 0@ == 16 then 0AF5: write_string 31@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color2" end 0B67: render a 14@ r 15@ g 16@ b 17@ to_argb 30@ //free 31@ return
:SETfon alloc 31@ 20 if 1@ == 11 then 0AF4: 31@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color1" end if 1@ == 15 then 0AF4: 31@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color2" end 0AD4: 30@ = scan_string 31@ format "%d %d %d %d" 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@ format 31@ "%d %d %d %d" 0@ 3@ 4@ 5@ 0B67: render a 0@ r 3@ g 4@ b 5@ to_argb 7@ if 1@ == 11 then 0AF5: write_string 31@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color1" end if 1@ == 15 then 0AF5: write_string 31@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color2" end free 31@ ret 1 7@
:language 0AA2: 0@ = load_library "User32.dll" 0AA4: 1@ = get_proc_address "GetKeyboardLayout" library 0@ 0AA4: 2@ = get_proc_address "ActivateKeyboardLayout" library 0@ ret 2 1@ 2@
:Getlanguage 0AA7: call_function 25@ num_params 1 pop 0 0 24@ if 24@ == 68748313 then format 14@ "Ru" end if 24@ == 67699721 then format 14@ "En" end Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 18, 14@) return
:SetCursorPos 0BA9: dialog 2@ get_control 18 pos_to 7@ 8@ 005A: 0@ += 7@ 0@ -= 20 1@ -= 25 0AA2: 6@ = load_library "User32.DLL" 0AA4: 3@ = get_proc_address "SetCursorPos" library 6@ 0AA4: 4@ = get_proc_address "mouse_event" library 6@ 0AA7: call_function 3@ num_params 2 pop 0 1@ 0@ 5@ 0AA5: call 4@ num_params 5 pop 0 params 0 0 0 0 2 0AA5: call 4@ num_params 5 pop 0 params 0 0 0 0 4 0AA3: free_library 6@ 0AB2: ret 0
:activation 11@ = 1 SAMP.CmdRet
:INTF 0AB3: var 174 = 0 if 8B61: samp is_local_player_spawned then 0B6D: render 0@ = create_font "Arial" height 12 flags 14 SAMP.GetScreenResolution(11@, 12@) 11@ = 0 11@ += 40 12@ -= 120 0087: 5@ = 11@ repeat 32@ = 0 repeat wait 0 0087: 1@ = 11@ 0087: 2@ = 12@ 0087: 3@ = 1@ 3@ += 300 0087: 4@ = 2@ 4@ += 35 0B6F: render font 0@ draw_text "S H P O R A" pos 1@ 2@ color 0xFF9AC9FF//C7E0FD//A6CAF3 2@ += 35 0B68: render draw_line_point1 1@ 2@ point2 3@ 4@ width 12 color 0xFF000000 3@ -= 4 if 803B: 5@ == 3@ then 0B68: render draw_line_point1 1@ 2@ point2 5@ 4@ width 8 color 0xFFE51F1F else 0B68: render draw_line_point1 1@ 2@ point2 5@ 4@ width 8 color 0xFF04DA04 end 2@ += 14 0B6F: render font 0@ draw_text "VALDAN" pos 1@ 2@ color 0xFF0000FF 1@ += 140 0B6F: render font 0@ draw_text "BLAST{0077FF}HACK.NET" pos 1@ 2@ color 0xFF9AC9FF//C7E0FD//A6CAF3 until 32@ >= 10 if 803B: 5@ == 3@ then 5@ += 1 end if 0AB0: key_pressed 119 then wait 2000 end until 0B61: samp is_local_player_spawned wait 1000 0B6E: render release_font 0@ end 0A93: end_custom_thread
:provSF if 0038: $707 <= 16 then 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~y~NO SAMPFUNCS 5.3.1 ~r~error" time 10000 0A93: end_custom_thread end return
:provCS if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\SHPORA.cs" then SAMP.Disconnect(0) chatmsg "{FF1100} Âíèìàíèå !!!" color 0x00FA9A chatmsg "{FFC900} Ñêðèïò {00FF00} SHPORA.cs {FFC900} áûë ïåðåèìåíîâàí!" color 0x00FA9A chatmsg "{FF1100} Îí íå áóäåò ðàáîòàòü, ïîêà íå âåðíåòå ïðåæíåå èìÿ." color 0x00FA9A chatmsg "{FF4235} Çàïóñê íå âîçìîæåí !" color 0x00FA9A 0A93: end_custom_thread end if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\Admin_Checker.cs" then 0AB3: var 174 = 1 0A92: create_custom_thread "SHPORA.cs" end return
Сообщение отредактировал CZAR - Четверг, 07.11.2019, 15:05 |
Franz[CM] |
Дата: Четверг, 02.01.2020, 11:11 | Сообщение # 3
Сообщений: 194
Статус: Offline