[CLEO] Помощь по редактированию скриптов
Дата: Воскресенье, 06.03.2016, 23:11 | Сообщение # 976
Сообщений: 1074
Статус: Offline
Цитата Barraul (
Когда то давно Кот делал подобное для меня , но увы потерял
Сообщение отредактировал Кoт - Воскресенье, 06.03.2016, 23:11
Дата: Среда, 09.03.2016, 19:16 | Сообщение # 977
Сообщений: 2
Статус: Offline
В чем дело? Хочу поменять активацию, а мне пишет "Неверный символ в идентификаторе $PLAYER.DEFINED($PLAYER_CHAR)_489."
Сообщение отредактировал dorfd - Среда, 09.03.2016, 19:48
Дата: Среда, 09.03.2016, 20:00 | Сообщение # 978
dorfd , Код
{$CLEO .cs} 0662: printstring "SYSTEMAIN.3DN.RU" thread "$PLAYER.DEFINED($PLAYER_CHAR)" wait 0 ms 0@ = 12045904 gosub @1 :2 wait 0 if and 84C8: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_flying_vehicle not Actor.DrivingPlane($PLAYER_ACTOR) 84A9: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_heli 84A7: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_boat 847A: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_bike Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR) key_down 191 jf @2 2@ = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR) 0730: car 2@ damage_door 0 0730: car 2@ damage_door 1 0730: car 2@ damage_door 3 0689: set_car 2@ remove_door 0 removed_door_visible 1 0689: set_car 2@ remove_door 1 removed_door_visible 1 0689: set_car 2@ remove_door 2 removed_door_visible 1 0689: set_car 2@ remove_door 3 removed_door_visible 1 0689: set_car 2@ remove_door 4 removed_door_visible 1 0689: set_car 2@ remove_door 5 removed_door_visible 1 0689: set_car 2@ remove_door 6 removed_door_visible 1 0689: set_car 2@ remove_door 7 removed_door_visible 1 0689: set_car 2@ remove_door 8 removed_door_visible 1 0689: set_car 2@ remove_door 9 removed_door_visible 1 0689: set_car 2@ remove_door 10 removed_door_visible 1 0689: set_car 2@ remove_door 11 removed_door_visible 1 0689: set_car 2@ remove_door 12 removed_door_visible 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 0 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 1 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 2 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 3 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 4 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 5 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 6 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 7 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 8 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 9 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 10 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 11 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 12 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 13 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 14 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 15 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 16 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 17 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 18 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 19 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 20 visible_effect_flag 1 0697: set_car 2@ remove_componentB 21 visible_effect_flag 1 wait 30 0A30: repair_car 2@ Car.RemoveReferences(2@) jump @2 :1 0@ -= 10787168 0@ /= 4 008B: 1@ = &0(0@,1i) return
Пишу на заказ CLEO скрипты, SF и ASI плагины.
Дата: Суббота, 12.03.2016, 19:37 | Сообщение # 979
Сообщений: 29
Статус: Offline
Что не так в скрипте?:( Запускаю самп и крашит..Код
{$CLEO} {$NOSOURCE} 0000: :Health Wait 0 0B2B: samp 0@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle $PlAYER_ACTOR 0B26: samp 2@ = get_player_armor 0@ 0B25: samp 1@ = get_player_health 0@ 0B6D: render 3@ = create_font "Arial" height 9 flags 0x8 0B6F: render font 3@ draw_text "[ARM=2@ | HP=1@]" pos 20 160 color 0xFF0000 0B6E: render release_font 3@ jump @Health
Дата: Суббота, 12.03.2016, 20:04 | Сообщение # 980
Сообщений: 1074
Статус: Offline
Дата: Суббота, 12.03.2016, 20:30 | Сообщение # 981
Сообщений: 29
Статус: Offline
Кoт , спасибо) А как можно изменить шрифт?
Дата: Суббота, 12.03.2016, 23:03 | Сообщение # 982
Сообщений: 1074
Статус: Offline
Цитата EvolUtioN_VIII (
Кoт, спасибо) А как можно изменить шрифт?
0B6D: render 0@ = create_font "Arial" height 11 flags 5 0@ - handle Arial - Шрифт 11 - размер 5 - Флаг
Дата: Понедельник, 14.03.2016, 02:19 | Сообщение # 983
Сообщений: 2
Статус: Offline
Здравствуйте. Уберите, пожалуйста, из этого скрипта некоторые функции. 1. Что убрать 2. Код скрипта
//-------------MAIN--------------- 0000: NOP :NONAME_2 wait 0 if and Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) not Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR) else_jump @NONAME_2 27@ = 0.0 28@ = 0.0 32@ = 1.0 :NONAME_57 wait 0 if and Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) not Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR) else_jump @NONAME_57 if 80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 18 else_jump @NONAME_477 if 0818: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_air else_jump @NONAME_4855 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@ 04C4: store_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 -1.0 04C4: store_coords_to 4@ 5@ 6@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 2.0 -1.0 if and 86BD: not no_obstacles_between 1@ 2@ 3@ and 4@ 5@ 6@ solid 1 car 1 actor 0 object 1 particle 0 1.0 > 21@ 21@ > -1.0 1.0 > 22@ 22@ > -1.0 else_jump @NONAME_57 if 23@ > -8.0 else_jump @NONAME_1015 if and not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "CLIMB_IDLE" not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "CLIMB_JUMP_B" not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "CLIMB_PULL" not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "CLIMB_STAND" else_jump @NONAME_2351 if 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 14 else_jump @NONAME_57 if not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "CLIMB_JUMP" else_jump @NONAME_57 if 80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 16 else_jump @NONAME_463 if or 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 0 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 1 else_jump @NONAME_57 jump @NONAME_470 :NONAME_463 jump @NONAME_1652 :NONAME_470 jump @NONAME_2437 :NONAME_477 wait 0 if and Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "FALL_FALL" 0818: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_air else_jump @NONAME_57 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@ if 23@ > -30.0 else_jump @NONAME_57 if 84EE: not animation "BIKES" loaded else_jump @NONAME_577 04ED: load_animation "BIKES" :NONAME_577 if 04EE: animation "BIKES" loaded else_jump @NONAME_477 Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 1@, 2@, 3@) 04C4: store_coords_to 4@ 5@ 6@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 -3.0 if 86BD: not no_obstacles_between 1@ 2@ 3@ and 4@ 5@ 6@ solid 1 car 1 actor 0 object 1 particle 0 else_jump @NONAME_477 Actor.SetImmunities($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) if or 21@ > 2.0 -2.0 > 21@ 22@ > 2.0 -2.0 > 22@ else_jump @NONAME_923 :NONAME_747 wait 0 Actor.SetImmunities($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "BIKES_GETOFFBACK" IFP "BIKES" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 0 time 750 // versionB wait 50 0614: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR animation "BIKES_GETOFFBACK" progress_to 0.25 // 0.0 to 1.0 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "BIKES_GETOFFBACK" at 1.7 times_normal_rate wait 90 018C: play_sound 1163 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 wait 210 Actor.SetImmunities($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) jump @NONAME_57 :NONAME_923 wait 0 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_COLLAPSE" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 0 time 500 // versionB 018C: play_sound 1163 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 wait 1000 Actor.SetImmunities($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) jump @NONAME_57 :NONAME_1015 wait 0 if and 27@ == 1.0 key_down 82 0818: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_air else_jump @NONAME_57 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@ 083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 0.0 0.0 23@ 29@ = 0.0 :NONAME_1091 wait 0 if key_down 82 else_jump @NONAME_1446 04C4: store_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 -2.0 -1.0 04C4: store_coords_to 4@ 5@ 6@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 2.0 -1.0 if 86BD: not no_obstacles_between 1@ 2@ 3@ and 4@ 5@ 6@ solid 1 car 0 actor 0 object 1 particle 0 else_jump @NONAME_1091 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DROWN" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.0 loopA 1 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 0 time 10000 // versionB 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 25@ if and not 25@ >= -4.0 not 29@ >= 1.5 else_jump @NONAME_1446 0614: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR animation "DROWN" progress_to 0.3 // 0.0 to 1.0 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DROWN" at 0.01 times_normal_rate if not 23@ >= -5.0 else_jump @NONAME_1352 23@ *= 0.8 :NONAME_1352 083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 0.0 0.0 23@ wait 100 if and 23@ > -8.0 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 14 else_jump @NONAME_1425 if 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 16 else_jump @NONAME_1425 jump @NONAME_1652 :NONAME_1425 29@ += 0.1 wait 5 jump @NONAME_1091 :NONAME_1446 wait 0 27@ = 0.0 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 0 time 1 // versionB jump @NONAME_57 :NONAME_1505 wait 0 06AC: 7@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR movement_speed if and 7@ > 2.0 8818: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_air not Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR) else_jump @NONAME_57 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_STOP" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time -1 // versionB wait 30 0614: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR animation "RUN_STOP" progress_to 0.3 // 0.0 to 1.0 Actor.LockInCurrentPosition($PLAYER_ACTOR) = True wait 500 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = False wait 300 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True Actor.LockInCurrentPosition($PLAYER_ACTOR) = False jump @NONAME_57 :NONAME_1652 wait 0 if 23@ > -8.0 else_jump @NONAME_57 28@ = 1.0 04C4: store_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 -2.0 -1.0 04C4: store_coords_to 4@ 5@ 6@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 2.0 -1.0 if 86BD: not no_obstacles_between 1@ 2@ 3@ and 4@ 5@ 6@ solid 1 car 1 actor 0 object 1 particle 0 else_jump @NONAME_57 Actor.LockInCurrentPosition($PLAYER_ACTOR) = True 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 0 time -1 // versionB wait 30 0614: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR animation "GETUP" progress_to 0.55 // 0.0 to 1.0 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP" at 0.01 times_normal_rate 31@ = 0.0 30@ = Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) 0087: 33@ = 30@ // (float) :NONAME_1889 wait 0 31@ += 0.2 wait 30 if key_down 65 else_jump @NONAME_1932 30@ -= 10.0 :NONAME_1932 if key_down 68 else_jump @NONAME_1957 30@ += 10.0 :NONAME_1957 if 2.0 > 31@ else_jump @NONAME_2001 if and 80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 14 80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 16 else_jump @NONAME_1889 :NONAME_2001 Actor.LockInCurrentPosition($PLAYER_ACTOR) = False if 2.0 > 31@ else_jump @NONAME_2297 30@ -= 542.0 if key_down 87 else_jump @NONAME_2127 if key_down 68 else_jump @NONAME_2094 33@ -= 810.0 0087: 30@ = 33@ // (float) jump @NONAME_2127 :NONAME_2094 if key_down 65 else_jump @NONAME_2127 33@ -= 265.0 0087: 30@ = 33@ // (float) :NONAME_2127 Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 30@ wait 5 04C4: store_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 04C4: store_coords_to 4@ 5@ 6@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 8.0 0.0 0063: 4@ -= 1@ // (float) 0063: 5@ -= 2@ // (float) 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH" IFP "PED" framedelta 14.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 0 time -1 // versionB 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH" at 0.8 times_normal_rate 083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 4@ 5@ 8.0 jump @NONAME_2347 :NONAME_2297 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 0 time 1 // versionB wait 500 jump @NONAME_57 :NONAME_2347 wait 100 :NONAME_2351 wait 0 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@ if or 21@ > 1.0 -1.0 > 21@ 22@ > 1.0 -1.0 > 22@ not 23@ >= -8.1 else_jump @NONAME_2351 jump @NONAME_57 :NONAME_2437 wait 0 if 28@ == 1.0 else_jump @NONAME_57 28@ = 0.0 04C4: store_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 04C4: store_coords_to 4@ 5@ 6@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 5.0 0.0 0063: 4@ -= 1@ // (float) 0063: 5@ -= 2@ // (float) 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH" IFP "PED" framedelta 14.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time -1 // versionB 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH" at 3.0 times_normal_rate 083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 4@ 5@ 8.0 wait 170 if or 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 0 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 1 else_jump @NONAME_3690 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@ if and 1.0 > 21@ 21@ > -1.0 1.0 > 22@ 22@ > -1.0 23@ > 1.0 else_jump @NONAME_3690 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH_R" IFP "PED" framedelta 14.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time -1 // versionB 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH_R" at 3.0 times_normal_rate 083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 4@ 5@ 8.0 wait 170 if 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 14 else_jump @NONAME_3690 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@ if and 1.0 > 21@ 21@ > -1.0 1.0 > 22@ 22@ > -1.0 23@ > 1.0 else_jump @NONAME_3690 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH" IFP "PED" framedelta 14.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time -1 // versionB 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH" at 3.0 times_normal_rate 083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 4@ 5@ 8.0 wait 170 if 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 14 else_jump @NONAME_3690 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@ if and 1.0 > 21@ 21@ > -1.0 1.0 > 22@ 22@ > -1.0 23@ > 1.0 else_jump @NONAME_3690 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH_R" IFP "PED" framedelta 14.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time -1 // versionB 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH_R" at 3.0 times_normal_rate 083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 4@ 5@ 8.0 wait 170 if 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 14 else_jump @NONAME_3690 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@ if and 1.0 > 21@ 21@ > -1.0 1.0 > 22@ 22@ > -1.0 23@ > 1.0 else_jump @NONAME_3690 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH" IFP "PED" framedelta 14.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time -1 // versionB 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH" at 3.0 times_normal_rate 083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 4@ 5@ 8.0 wait 170 if 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 14 else_jump @NONAME_3690 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@ if and 1.0 > 21@ 21@ > -1.0 1.0 > 22@ 22@ > -1.0 23@ > 1.0 else_jump @NONAME_3690 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH_R" IFP "PED" framedelta 14.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time -1 // versionB 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH_R" at 3.0 times_normal_rate 083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 4@ 5@ 8.0 wait 170 if 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 14 else_jump @NONAME_3690 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@ if and 1.0 > 21@ 21@ > -1.0 1.0 > 22@ 22@ > -1.0 23@ > 1.0 else_jump @NONAME_3690 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH" IFP "PED" framedelta 14.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time -1 // versionB 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH" at 3.0 times_normal_rate 083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 4@ 5@ 8.0 wait 170 :NONAME_3690 wait 30 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 0 time 1 // versionB :NONAME_3732 wait 0 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@ if 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 1 else_jump @NONAME_4381 if key_down 68 else_jump @NONAME_4074 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CROUCH_ROLL_R" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 0 time 400 // versionB 04C4: store_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 04C4: store_coords_to 4@ 5@ 6@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 5.0 0.0 0.0 0063: 4@ -= 1@ // (float) 0063: 5@ -= 2@ // (float) 083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 4@ 5@ 8.0 wait 100 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CROUCH_ROLL_R" at 1.5 times_normal_rate wait 300 30@ = Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) 30@ -= 25.0 Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 30@ wait 75 30@ = Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) 30@ -= 25.0 Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 30@ wait 75 30@ = Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) 30@ -= 25.0 Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 30@ wait 75 30@ = Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) 30@ -= 25.0 Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 30@ wait 75 jump @NONAME_2351 :NONAME_4074 if key_down 65 else_jump @NONAME_4381 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CROUCH_ROLL_L" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 0 time 400 // versionB 04C4: store_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 04C4: store_coords_to 4@ 5@ 6@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset -5.0 0.0 0.0 0063: 4@ -= 1@ // (float) 0063: 5@ -= 2@ // (float) 083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 4@ 5@ 8.0 wait 100 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CROUCH_ROLL_L" at 1.5 times_normal_rate wait 300 30@ = Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) 30@ += 25.0 Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 30@ wait 75 30@ = Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) 30@ += 25.0 Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 30@ wait 75 30@ = Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) 30@ += 25.0 Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 30@ wait 75 30@ = Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) 30@ += 25.0 Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 30@ wait 75 jump @NONAME_2351 :NONAME_4381 if and 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 14 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 16 80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 0 80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 1 else_jump @NONAME_4423 jump @NONAME_1652 :NONAME_4423 if or 21@ > 2.0 -2.0 > 21@ 22@ > 2.0 -2.0 > 22@ -8.0 > 23@ else_jump @NONAME_3732 28@ = 1.0 jump @NONAME_57 :NONAME_4501 wait 0 if 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 6 else_jump @NONAME_4855 04ED: load_animation "PARK" if 04EE: animation "PARK" loaded else_jump @NONAME_4501 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TAI_CHI_IN" IFP "PARK" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time -1 // versionB wait 2000 33@ = Actor.Health($PLAYER_ACTOR) 0093: 26@ = integer 33@ to_float :NONAME_4608 wait 0 if not Actor.Dead($PLAYER_ACTOR) else_jump @NONAME_57 if and 80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 14 80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 16 else_jump @NONAME_4782 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TAI_CHI_LOOP" IFP "PARK" framedelta 4.0 loopA 1 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time -1 // versionB 33@ = Actor.Health($PLAYER_ACTOR) if not 33@ >= 1000 else_jump @NONAME_4744 26@ += 0.004 0092: 33@ = float 26@ to_integer Actor.Health($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 33@ :NONAME_4744 if not 32@ >= 1.3 else_jump @NONAME_4775 32@ += 0.0001 :NONAME_4775 jump @NONAME_4608 :NONAME_4782 wait 0 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TAI_CHI_OUT" IFP "PARK" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 0 time -1 // versionB 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TAI_CHI_OUT" at 0.8 times_normal_rate jump @NONAME_4855 :NONAME_4855 wait 0 if and Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) not Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR) 8818: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_air else_jump @NONAME_57 Player.InfiniteRun($PLAYER_CHAR) = True 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@ Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 1@, 2@, 3@) 04C4: store_coords_to 4@ 5@ 6@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 -2.0 if and 23@ > -1.0 86BD: not no_obstacles_between 1@ 2@ 3@ and 4@ 5@ 6@ solid 1 car 1 actor 0 object 1 particle 0 else_jump @NONAME_5020 28@ = 1.0 27@ = 1.0 :NONAME_5020 if 32@ > 1.0 else_jump @NONAME_5099 if or Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "MUSCLESPRINT" Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "SPRINT_CIVI" else_jump @NONAME_5099 32@ -= 4E-05 :NONAME_5099 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MUSCLESPRINT" at 32@ times_normal_rate 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SPRINT_CIVI" at 32@ times_normal_rate 0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_PULL" at 32@ times_normal_rate if or Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "PARKSIT_M_LOOP" Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "TAI_CHI_LOOP" else_jump @NONAME_5244 if not 32@ >= 1.4 else_jump @NONAME_5244 32@ += 0.0001 :NONAME_5244 if not key_down 82 else_jump @NONAME_5679 if not key_down 84 else_jump @NONAME_4501 if and key_down 87 key_down 83 else_jump @NONAME_5300 jump @NONAME_1505 :NONAME_5300 if and 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 6 key_down 66 else_jump @NONAME_5328 jump @NONAME_5335 :NONAME_5328 jump @NONAME_4855 :NONAME_5335 wait 0 04ED: load_animation "BEACH" 04ED: load_animation "SUNBATHE" if 04EE: animation "BEACH" loaded 04EE: animation "SUNBATHE" loaded else_jump @NONAME_5335 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PARKSIT_M_IN" IFP "SUNBATHE" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time -1 // versionB wait 1600 33@ = Actor.Health($PLAYER_ACTOR) 0093: 26@ = integer 33@ to_float :NONAME_5457 wait 0 if not Actor.Dead($PLAYER_ACTOR) else_jump @NONAME_57 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PARKSIT_M_LOOP" IFP "BEACH" framedelta 400.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time -1 // versionB if not 33@ >= 1000 else_jump @NONAME_5565 26@ += 0.004 0092: 33@ = float 26@ to_integer Actor.Health($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 33@ :NONAME_5565 if not 32@ >= 1.35 else_jump @NONAME_5596 32@ += 0.0001 :NONAME_5596 if or 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 14 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 16 else_jump @NONAME_5457 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP" IFP "PED" framedelta 2.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 0 time -1 // versionB wait 30 0614: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR animation "GETUP" progress_to 0.3 // 0.0 to 1.0 jump @NONAME_4855 :NONAME_5679 wait 0 if 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 14 else_jump @NONAME_6247 04ED: load_animation "DAM_JUMP" :NONAME_5712 wait 0 if 04EE: animation "DAM_JUMP" loaded else_jump @NONAME_5712 wait 200 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_LAUNCH" IFP "DAM_JUMP" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time 400 // versionB wait 50 0614: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR animation "DAM_LAUNCH" progress_to 0.6 // 0.0 to 1.0 wait 400 :NONAME_5818 wait 0 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@ if or 04AD: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_water Actor.Dead($PLAYER_ACTOR) 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 17 else_jump @NONAME_5912 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_LAUNCH" IFP "DAM_JUMP" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 0 time 1 // versionB jump @NONAME_57 :NONAME_5912 if 82D8: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 46 else_jump @NONAME_57 Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 1@, 2@, 3@) if not 23@ >= -25.0 else_jump @NONAME_6098 04C4: store_coords_to 4@ 5@ 6@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 -20.0 if 86BD: not no_obstacles_between 1@ 2@ 3@ and 4@ 5@ 6@ solid 1 car 1 actor 0 object 1 particle 0 else_jump @NONAME_6091 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_LAUNCH" IFP "DAM_JUMP" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 0 time 1 // versionB jump @NONAME_57 jump @NONAME_6098 :NONAME_6091 jump @NONAME_5818 :NONAME_6098 04C4: store_coords_to 4@ 5@ 6@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 -3.0 if 06BD: no_obstacles_between 1@ 2@ 3@ and 4@ 5@ 6@ solid 1 car 1 actor 0 object 1 particle 0 else_jump @NONAME_747 if not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "FALL_LAND" else_jump @NONAME_57 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_DIVE_LOOP" IFP "DAM_JUMP" framedelta 2.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time -1 // versionB jump @NONAME_5818 :NONAME_6247 wait 0 if key_down 82 else_jump @NONAME_4855 if 80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 14 else_jump @NONAME_5679 if 0818: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_air else_jump @NONAME_6247 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@ if 23@ > -8.0 else_jump @NONAME_4855 wait 200 30@ = Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) 30@ -= 542.0 Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 30@ 21@ *= -1.0 22@ *= -1.0 083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 22@ 23@ wait 500 jump @NONAME_57
Сообщение отредактировал dorfd - Понедельник, 14.03.2016, 02:22
Дата: Воскресенье, 27.03.2016, 21:28 | Сообщение # 984
Сообщений: 68
Статус: Offline
Сообщение отредактировал Sibergin - Понедельник, 28.03.2016, 06:15
Дата: Воскресенье, 17.04.2016, 15:10 | Сообщение # 985
Сообщений: 123
Статус: Offline
Уберите надпись при активации, пожалуйстаКод
{$CLEO .cs} 0000: 0661: NOP "Made by Opcode.eXe" 0661: NOP "www.youtube.com/OpcodeXe" 0661: NOP "www.ugbase.eu" WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0AB0: 121 THEN REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 8AB0: 121 IF 0@ == TRUE THEN 0@ = FALSE ELSE 0@ = TRUE END PRINTF "~r~Triggerfinger:~w~ state: %d" 1000 0@ END IF 0@ == TRUE THEN IF and not Actor.Dead($PLAYER_ACTOR) 0AB0: 2 THEN 0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 0xB6F3B8 size 4 virtual_protect 0 1@ += 0x79C 0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 IF 2@ > 0 THEN 8@ = 0xB73458 8@ += 34 // FIRE_BULLET 0A8C: write_memory 8@ size 4 value 255 virtual_protect 0 WAIT 100 0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 0xB6F3B8 size 4 virtual_protect 0 1@ += 0x79C 0A8C: write_memory 1@ size 4 value 0 virtual_protect 0 END END END END
Сообщение отредактировал DynamiC - Воскресенье, 17.04.2016, 15:11
Дата: Воскресенье, 17.04.2016, 16:21 | Сообщение # 986
Сообщений: 188
Статус: Offline
Цитата DynamiC (
Уберите надпись при активации, пожалуйста
PRINTF "~r~Triggerfinger:~w~ state: %d" 1000 0@ удали и все
Дата: Воскресенье, 17.04.2016, 16:31 | Сообщение # 987
Сообщений: 123
Статус: Offline
Цитата darkes (
PRINTF "~r~Triggerfinger:~w~ state: %d" 1000 0@ удали и все
крашить начинает
Дата: Воскресенье, 17.04.2016, 20:08 | Сообщение # 988
Сообщений: 154
Статус: Offline
DynamiC , может что левое вписал? вряд ли будет крашить из-за отсутствие принта, либо попробуй заменить другим ненужным опкодом, который никак не повлияет на процесс
* Мои работы: - [CLEO] Brute Bank Code for Advance RP - http://cheat-master.ru/forum/129-549067-1 - [CLEO] Make Ammo for Arizona RP - http://cheat-master.ru/forum/129-579088-1 - [CLEO] Teleport for Evolve RP - http://cheat-master.ru/forum/129-689462-1 - [CLEO] Sliv Form for Evolve RP - http://cheat-master.ru/forum/129-690294-1 - [CLEO] /ad for Evolve RP - http://cheat-master.ru/forum/129-691037-1 - [CLEO] Killer for Evolve RP - http://cheat-master.ru/forum/129-691847-1 19.05.17 - Cheater CM * Помогаю с CLEO-скриптингом/C# - пишите в личку
Дата: Вторник, 19.04.2016, 11:02 | Сообщение # 989
Сообщений: 59
Статус: Offline
Столько нового))
Спасибо За то что Вы есть)
Дата: Пятница, 22.04.2016, 23:58 | Сообщение # 990
Сообщений: 1
Статус: Offline
{$CLEO} thread "Погода" repeat wait 0 until SAMP.Available() 0B34: samp register_client_command "setweather" to_label @1 repeat wait 0 if 0@ == true then SAMP.IsCommandTyped(1@) if 0AD4: 4@ = scan_string 1@ format "%d" 5@ then if and 5@ > 0 5@ < 22 then Model.Available(5@) 038B: load_requested_models wait 500 01b6: set_weather 5@ 0@ = false else chatmsg "Ид погоды от 1 до 22" 0xFF0000 0@ = false end else chatmsg " Введите /setweather [Ид погоды]" 0xFF0000 end end until false :1 0@ = true SAMP.CmdRet()
Помогите .... Где моя ошибка???
Сообщение отредактировал Garry_Ghetto - Пятница, 22.04.2016, 23:59