Manqueend_Wesker |
Дата: Четверг, 25.08.2016, 20:55 | Сообщение # 1053
Сообщений: 1
Статус: Offline
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Код // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs}
//-------------MAIN--------------- 0000: NOP 0662: printstring "VALDAN" 0662: printstring "Для тех,кто покупал бота шахтера на ARP и DRP -" gosub @NONAME_7672
:NONAME_86 wait 0 SAMP.Available else_jump @NONAME_86 0AB4: 0@ = var 174 0@ == 0 else_jump @NONAME_7250 gosub @NONAME_7732 wait 1000 alloc 1@ 66 alloc 2@ 66 alloc 3@ 96 if or 8AF4: not 1@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "SHPORA" key "V_Chat" 8AF0: not 12@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "SHPORA" key "key" 8AF4: not 3@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "INF" key "INF" else_jump @NONAME_691 0AE5: create_directory "CLEO\SHPORA" // IF and SET 0AE5: create_directory "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS" // IF and SET 12@ = 115 format 1@ "shp" format 3@ "Инструкция и описание от автора: [VaLdaN] BLASTHACK.NET http:%c/" 47 0AF5: write_string 1@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "SHPORA" key "V_Chat" 0AF1: write_int 12@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "SHPORA" key "key" 0AF5: write_string 3@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "INF" key "INF" 0@ = File.Open("CLEO\SHPORA\Инструкция.txt", "w") 0AD9: write_formatted_text "%s" in_file 0@ 3@ File.Close(0@)
:NONAME_691 format 2@ "%s" 1@ 0B34: samp register_client_command 2@ to_label @NONAME_7241 0B00: delete_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\list.ini" // IF and SET format 2@ "CLEO\SHPORA" format 3@ "%s\*.txt" 2@ if 0AE6: 31@ = find_first_file 3@ get_filename_to 2@ // IF and SET else_jump @NONAME_1029 0@ = File.Open("CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SHPORA.ini", "w")
:NONAME_848 wait 0 format 1@ "CLEO\SHPORA\%s" 2@ if 0AAB: file_exists 1@ else_jump @NONAME_988 4@ += 1 format 5@v "%d" 4@ 0C16: 3@ = strtok string1 2@ string2 "." 0AD9: write_formatted_text "%s%c" in_file 0@ 3@ 10 0AF5: write_string 3@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\list.ini" section "Shpora" key 5@v
:NONAME_988 8AE7: not 2@ = find_next_file 31@ // IF and SET else_jump @NONAME_848 File.Close(0@) 1@ = 0 2@ = 0 3@ = 0
:NONAME_1029 if 8AAB: not file_exists "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\FON.jpg" else_jump @NONAME_1232 chatmsg "{FFAB00}Добавь изоброжение с названием {77FF00}FON.jpg {FFAB00}по пути {77FF00}CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS" 7864064 0@ = File.Open("CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\FON.jpg", "w") 0AD9: write_formatted_text "" in_file 0@ File.Close(0@)
:NONAME_1232 0B71: render 31@ = load_texture_from_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\FON.jpg"
:NONAME_1267 wait 0 if or key_down 12@ 11@ == 1 else_jump @NONAME_1267 11@ = 1 call @NONAME_6901 0 25@ 26@ SAMP.ToggleCursor(1) alloc 13@ 66 alloc 14@ 66 format 13@ "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SHPORA.ini" format 14@ "{CCDE2B}Список"
:NONAME_1396 10@ = File.Open(13@, "rt") alloc 3@ 328 0C11: memset destination 3@ value 0 size 328 15@ = 0
:NONAME_1433 if File.ReadString(10@, 3@, 328) else_jump @NONAME_1507 0C17: 16@ = strlen 3@ if and not 16@ == 0 001D: 16@ > 15@ // (int) else_jump @NONAME_1497 0085: 15@ = 16@ // (int)
:NONAME_1497 0C11: memset destination 3@ value 0 size 328
:NONAME_1507 File.EOF(10@) else_jump @NONAME_1433 free 3@ File.Close(10@) 0AB4: 5@ = var 380 0AB4: 6@ = var 381 if and 5@ == 0 6@ == 0 else_jump @NONAME_1599 SAMP.GetScreenResolution(5@, 6@) 5@ /= 2 6@ /= 2 jump @NONAME_1645
:NONAME_1599 0AB4: 3@ = var 382 0AB4: 10@ = var 383 3@ /= 2 10@ /= 2 005A: 5@ += 3@ // (int) 005A: 6@ += 10@ // (int)
:NONAME_1645 if 15@ > 40 else_jump @NONAME_1939 if 15@ > 70 else_jump @NONAME_1727 if and 15@ > 70 not 15@ >= 100 else_jump @NONAME_1720 15@ -= 5 jump @NONAME_1727
:NONAME_1720 15@ -= 9
:NONAME_1727 SAMP.GetScreenResolution(1@, 0) 15@ *= 10 if 001D: 15@ > 1@ // (int) else_jump @NONAME_1776 1@ -= 200 0085: 15@ = 1@ // (int)
:NONAME_1776 0085: 20@ = 15@ // (int) 0085: 16@ = 15@ // (int) 16@ /= 2 0085: 17@ = 16@ // (int) 0085: 18@ = 16@ // (int) 17@ += 7 18@ += 60 if 18@ > 475 else_jump @NONAME_1886 18@ = 475 0085: 17@ = 18@ // (int) 0085: 16@ = 18@ // (int) 17@ -= 53 16@ -= 60
:NONAME_1886 0085: 21@ = 18@ // (int) 20@ /= 2 0085: 19@ = 20@ // (int) 21@ /= 2 0062: 5@ -= 20@ // (int) 0062: 6@ -= 21@ // (int) jump @NONAME_2025
:NONAME_1939 15@ = 400 16@ = 215 17@ = 222 18@ = 275 0085: 20@ = 15@ // (int) 0085: 21@ = 18@ // (int) 20@ /= 2 0085: 19@ = 20@ // (int) 21@ /= 2 0062: 5@ -= 20@ // (int) 0062: 6@ -= 21@ // (int)
:NONAME_2025 0AB3: var 380 = 5@ 0AB3: var 381 = 6@ Dialog.Create(0@, 14@) Dialog.SetRECT(0@, 5@, 6@, 15@, 18@) call @NONAME_5149 0 29@ 28@ 27@ Dialog.SetBackgroundColor(0@, 27@) Dialog.AddListBox(0@, 1, 0, 0, 15@, 16@) if 11@ == 1 else_jump @NONAME_2143 19@ -= 170 jump @NONAME_2174
:NONAME_2143 19@ -= 110 Dialog.AddButton(0@, 2, "назад", 19@, 17@, 100, 30)
:NONAME_2174 19@ += 120 Dialog.AddButton(0@, 3, "закрыть", 19@, 17@, 100, 30) 17@ += 5 Dialog.AddButton(0@, 4, "{844040}v", 10, 17@, 20, 20) Dialog.AddButton(0@, 17, "{30771F}k", 40, 17@, 20, 20) 17@ += 45 Dialog.AddCheckBox(0@, 5, "{CCDE2B}Строка ввода", 5, 17@, 150, 20) Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 10, "{CCDE2B}Фото:", 180, 17@, 50, 20) Dialog.AddSlider(0@, 6, 230, 17@, 150, 20, 255) 17@ += 45 Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 13, "{89FF00}Фон", 10, 17@, 50, 20) Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 14, "{89FF00}Цвет", 355, 17@, 50, 20) 17@ -= 15 Dialog.AddSlider(0@, 11, 55, 17@, 140, 20, 255) Dialog.AddSlider(0@, 12, 205, 17@, 140, 20, 255) 17@ += 30 Dialog.AddSlider(0@, 15, 55, 17@, 140, 20, 255) Dialog.AddSlider(0@, 16, 205, 17@, 140, 20, 255) 17@ -= 100 Dialog.AddEditBox(0@, 7, "", 0, -60, 15@, 40) Dialog.AddButton(0@, 19, "0", -32, -60, 30, 40) 15@ += 2 Dialog.AddButton(0@, 18, "", 15@, -60, 30, 40) 15@ -= 67 Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 8, "{844040}VALDAN", 15@, 17@, 60, 20) 15@ -= 85 17@ -= 40 Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 9, "{3E3B8D}BLASTHACK.NET", 15@, 17@, 150, 20) 15@ += 150 0AB4: 30@ = var 384 if 30@ == 1 else_jump @NONAME_2770 Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 5, 1) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 7, 1) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 18, 1) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 19, 1) jump @NONAME_2806
:NONAME_2770 Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 5, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 7, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 18, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 19, 0)
:NONAME_2806 Dialog.SetCheckBoxColor(0@, 1, 28@) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 5, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 6, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 10, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 11, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 12, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 13, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 14, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 15, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 16, 0) 10@ = File.Open(13@, "rt") alloc 3@ 328 0C11: memset destination 3@ value 0 size 328
:NONAME_2927 if File.ReadString(10@, 3@, 328) else_jump @NONAME_2974 Dialog.ListBoxInsertElement(0@, 1, 3@, 4@, -1) 0C11: memset destination 3@ value 0 size 328
:NONAME_2974 File.EOF(10@) else_jump @NONAME_2927 free 3@ File.Close(10@) alloc 4@ 328
:NONAME_3004 wait 0 Dialog.PopEvent(0@, 1@, 2@) if 2@ == 1 else_jump @NONAME_3396 if 1@ == 1793 else_jump @NONAME_3243 Dialog.ListBoxGetSelectedAndCount(0@, 2@, 3@, 0) Dialog.ListBoxGetTextAndData(0@, 2@, 3@, 4@, 5@) if not 11@ == 1 else_jump @NONAME_3121 say "%s" 4@ jump @NONAME_3243
:NONAME_3121 3@ += 1 format 6@v "%d" 3@ 0AF4: 14@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\list.ini" section "Shpora" key 6@v format 13@ "CLEO\SHPORA\%s.txt" 14@ 11@ = 0 Dialog.SetVisible(0@, 0) Dialog.Free(0@) jump @NONAME_1396
:NONAME_3243 if 1@ == 1794 else_jump @NONAME_3396 Dialog.ListBoxGetSelectedAndCount(0@, 2@, 3@, 0) Dialog.ListBoxGetTextAndData(0@, 2@, 3@, 4@, 5@) if not 11@ == 1 else_jump @NONAME_3396 if Dialog.IsControlVisible(0@, 7) else_jump @NONAME_3355 Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 7, 1) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 18, 1) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 19, 1)
:NONAME_3355 Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 7, 4@) 0C17: 5@ = strlen 4@ format 14@ "%d" 5@ Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 19, 14@)
:NONAME_3396 if and 2@ == 2 SAMP.IsCursorActive else_jump @NONAME_3460 if 11@ == 0 else_jump @NONAME_3460 11@ = 1 Dialog.SetVisible(0@, 0) Dialog.Free(0@) jump @NONAME_1267
:NONAME_3460 if and 2@ == 3 SAMP.IsCursorActive else_jump @NONAME_3525 11@ = 0 SAMP.ToggleCursor(0) Dialog.SetVisible(0@, 0) Dialog.Free(0@) free 4@ free 13@ free 14@ jump @NONAME_1267
:NONAME_3525 if and 2@ == 4 SAMP.IsCursorActive else_jump @NONAME_3945 if Dialog.IsControlVisible(0@, 5) else_jump @NONAME_3651 Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 5, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 6, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 10, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 11, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 12, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 13, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 14, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 15, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 16, 0) jump @NONAME_3945
:NONAME_3651 Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 5, 1) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 6, 1) 0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "fon" Dialog.SliderSetValue(0@, 6, 3@) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 10, 1) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 11, 1) 0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color1" Dialog.SliderSetValue(0@, 11, 3@) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 12, 1) Dialog.SliderSetValue(0@, 12, 30) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 13, 1) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 14, 1) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 15, 1) 0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color2" Dialog.SliderSetValue(0@, 15, 3@) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 16, 1) Dialog.SliderSetValue(0@, 16, 15)
:NONAME_3945 if 2@ == 5 else_jump @NONAME_4057 if Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 2@) else_jump @NONAME_4023 0AB3: var 384 = 1 Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 7, 1) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 18, 1) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 19, 1) jump @NONAME_4057
:NONAME_4023 0AB3: var 384 = 0 Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 7, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 18, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 19, 0)
:NONAME_4057 if 1@ == 1281 else_jump @NONAME_4403 if 2@ == 6 else_jump @NONAME_4175 Dialog.SliderGetValue(0@, 2@, 3@) 0AF1: write_int 3@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "fon" 0B67: render a 3@ r 255 g 255 b 255 to_argb 29@
:NONAME_4175 if 2@ == 11 else_jump @NONAME_4233 Dialog.SliderGetValue(0@, 2@, 3@) call @NONAME_6503 2 3@ 2@ 28@ Dialog.SetCheckBoxColor(0@, 1, 28@)
:NONAME_4233 if 2@ == 12 else_jump @NONAME_4291 Dialog.SliderGetValue(0@, 2@, 3@) call @NONAME_5698 2 2@ 3@ 28@ Dialog.SetCheckBoxColor(0@, 1, 28@)
:NONAME_4291 if 2@ == 15 else_jump @NONAME_4347 Dialog.SliderGetValue(0@, 2@, 3@) call @NONAME_6503 2 3@ 2@ 27@ Dialog.SetBackgroundColor(0@, 27@)
:NONAME_4347 if 2@ == 16 else_jump @NONAME_4403 Dialog.SliderGetValue(0@, 2@, 3@) call @NONAME_5698 2 2@ 3@ 27@ Dialog.SetBackgroundColor(0@, 27@)
:NONAME_4403 if 2@ == 17 else_jump @NONAME_4442 call @NONAME_7077 3 0 0 0@ SAMP.ToggleCursor(0)
:NONAME_4442 if 2@ == 18 else_jump @NONAME_4496 0AA7: call_function 26@ num_params 2 pop 0 8 1 23@ call @NONAME_7077 3 5@ 6@ 0@
:NONAME_4496 if Dialog.IsControlVisible(0@, 18) else_jump @NONAME_4521 gosub @NONAME_6988
:NONAME_4521 if 2@ == 19 else_jump @NONAME_4586 Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 7, "") format 14@ "0" Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 19, 14@) call @NONAME_7077 3 5@ 6@ 0@
:NONAME_4586 if 2@ == 7 else_jump @NONAME_4785 if 1@ == 1537 else_jump @NONAME_4714 say "%s" 4@ Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 7, "") format 14@ "0" Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 19, 14@) 0AB4: 30@ = var 384 if 30@ == 0 else_jump @NONAME_4714 Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 7, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 18, 0) Dialog.SetControlVisible(0@, 19, 0)
:NONAME_4714 if 1@ == 1538 else_jump @NONAME_4785 0C11: memset destination 4@ value 0 size 128 Dialog.GetControlText(0@, 2@, 4@) 0C17: 5@ = strlen 4@ format 14@ "%d" 5@ Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 19, 14@)
:NONAME_4785 0AB4: 5@ = var 380 0AB4: 6@ = var 381 0AB3: var 382 = 15@ 0AB3: var 383 = 18@ Render.DrawTexture(31@, 5@, 6@, 15@, 18@, 0.0, 29@) call @NONAME_4889 3 0@ 31@ 29@ if and key_down 4 not SAMP.IsCursorActive else_jump @NONAME_4882 SAMP.ToggleCursor(1)
:NONAME_4882 jump @NONAME_3004
:NONAME_4889 if and key_down 1 SAMP.IsCursorActive else_jump @NONAME_5144 0B5E: get_cursor_pos 28@ 27@ Dialog.GetRECT(0@, 3@, 4@, 20@, 19@) 20@ -= 30 if and 001D: 28@ > 3@ // (int) 001D: 27@ > 4@ // (int) else_jump @NONAME_5144 005A: 3@ += 20@ // (int) 005A: 4@ += 19@ // (int) if and 001D: 3@ > 28@ // (int) 001D: 4@ > 27@ // (int) else_jump @NONAME_5144 0062: 3@ -= 20@ // (int) 0062: 4@ -= 19@ // (int) 0062: 28@ -= 3@ // (int) 0062: 27@ -= 4@ // (int) 20@ += 30
:NONAME_5047 wait 0 0B5E: get_cursor_pos 3@ 4@ 0062: 3@ -= 28@ // (int) 0062: 4@ -= 27@ // (int) Dialog.SetRECT(0@, 3@, 4@, 20@, 19@) Render.DrawTexture(1@, 3@, 4@, 20@, 19@, 0.0, 2@) 0AB3: var 380 = 3@ 0AB3: var 381 = 4@ not key_down 1 else_jump @NONAME_5047
:NONAME_5144 ret 0
:NONAME_5149 alloc 7@ 20 if 8AF0: not 0@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "fon" else_jump @NONAME_5281 0@ = 180 0AF1: write_int 0@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "fon"
:NONAME_5281 0B67: render a 0@ r 255 g 255 b 255 to_argb 1@ if 8AF4: not 7@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color1" else_jump @NONAME_5439 format 7@ "80 255 0 0" 0AF5: write_string 7@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color1"
:NONAME_5439 0AD4: 31@ = scan_string 7@ format "%d %d %d %d" 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@ 0B67: render a 2@ r 3@ g 4@ b 5@ to_argb 8@ if 8AF4: not 7@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color2" else_jump @NONAME_5628 format 7@ "0 0 0 0" 0AF5: write_string 7@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color2"
:NONAME_5628 0AD4: 31@ = scan_string 7@ format "%d %d %d %d" 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@ 0B67: render a 2@ r 3@ g 4@ b 5@ to_argb 9@ free 7@ ret 3 1@ 8@ 9@
:NONAME_5698 alloc 31@ 20 if 0@ == 12 else_jump @NONAME_5779 0AF4: 31@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color1"
:NONAME_5779 if 0@ == 16 else_jump @NONAME_5853 0AF4: 31@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color2"
:NONAME_5853 0AD4: 3@ = scan_string 31@ format "%d %d %d %d" 14@ 15@ 16@ 17@ if and 15@ == 255 16@ == 0 17@ >= 1 else_jump @NONAME_5966 17@ -= 15 if not 17@ >= 10 else_jump @NONAME_5959 15@ = 0 17@ = 0
:NONAME_5959 gosub @NONAME_6305
:NONAME_5966 if and not 15@ > 254 16@ == 0 17@ == 255 else_jump @NONAME_6014 15@ += 15 gosub @NONAME_6305
:NONAME_6014 if and 15@ == 0 16@ >= 1 17@ == 255 else_jump @NONAME_6061 16@ -= 15 gosub @NONAME_6305
:NONAME_6061 if and 15@ == 0 16@ == 255 not 17@ > 254 else_jump @NONAME_6109 17@ += 15 gosub @NONAME_6305
:NONAME_6109 if and 15@ >= 1 16@ == 255 17@ == 0 else_jump @NONAME_6156 15@ -= 15 gosub @NONAME_6305
:NONAME_6156 if and 15@ == 255 not 16@ > 254 17@ == 0 else_jump @NONAME_6204 16@ += 15 gosub @NONAME_6305
:NONAME_6204 if and not 15@ > 254 16@ == 0 17@ == 0 else_jump @NONAME_6251 15@ += 15 gosub @NONAME_6305
:NONAME_6251 if 1@ == 0 else_jump @NONAME_6297 15@ = 0 16@ = 0 17@ = 0 gosub @NONAME_6305
:NONAME_6297 ret 1 30@
:NONAME_6305 format 31@ "%d %d %d %d" 14@ 15@ 16@ 17@ if 0@ == 12 else_jump @NONAME_6410 0AF5: write_string 31@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color1"
:NONAME_6410 if 0@ == 16 else_jump @NONAME_6484 0AF5: write_string 31@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color2"
:NONAME_6484 0B67: render a 14@ r 15@ g 16@ b 17@ to_argb 30@ return
:NONAME_6503 alloc 31@ 20 if 1@ == 11 else_jump @NONAME_6584 0AF4: 31@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color1"
:NONAME_6584 if 1@ == 15 else_jump @NONAME_6658 0AF4: 31@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color2"
:NONAME_6658 0AD4: 30@ = scan_string 31@ format "%d %d %d %d" 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@ format 31@ "%d %d %d %d" 0@ 3@ 4@ 5@ 0B67: render a 0@ r 3@ g 4@ b 5@ to_argb 7@ if 1@ == 11 else_jump @NONAME_6814 0AF5: write_string 31@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color1"
:NONAME_6814 if 1@ == 15 else_jump @NONAME_6888 0AF5: write_string 31@ to_ini_file "CLEO\SHPORA\SETTINGS\SETTINGS.ini" section "COLORS" key "color2"
:NONAME_6888 free 31@ ret 1 7@
:NONAME_6901 0AA2: 0@ = load_library "User32.dll" // IF and SET 0AA4: 1@ = get_proc_address "GetKeyboardLayout" library 0@ // IF and SET 0AA4: 2@ = get_proc_address "ActivateKeyboardLayout" library 0@ // IF and SET ret 2 1@ 2@
:NONAME_6988 0AA7: call_function 25@ num_params 1 pop 0 0 24@ if 24@ == 68748313 else_jump @NONAME_7034 format 14@ "Ru"
:NONAME_7034 if 24@ == 67699721 else_jump @NONAME_7065 format 14@ "En"
:NONAME_7065 Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 18, 14@) return
:NONAME_7077 Dialog.GetControlPos(2@, 18, 7@, 8@) 005A: 0@ += 7@ // (int) 0@ -= 20 1@ -= 25 0AA2: 6@ = load_library "User32.DLL" // IF and SET 0AA4: 3@ = get_proc_address "SetCursorPos" library 6@ // IF and SET 0AA4: 4@ = get_proc_address "mouse_event" library 6@ // IF and SET 0AA7: call_function 3@ num_params 2 pop 0 1@ 0@ 5@ 0AA5: call 4@ num_params 5 pop 0 0 0 0 0 2 0AA5: call 4@ num_params 5 pop 0 0 0 0 0 4 0AA3: free_library 6@ ret 0
:NONAME_7241 11@ = 1 SAMP.CmdRet
:NONAME_7250 0AB3: var 174 = 0 if not SAMP.IsLocalPlayerSpawned else_jump @NONAME_7670 0@ = Render.CreateFont("Arial", 12, 14) SAMP.GetScreenResolution(11@, 12@) 11@ = 0 11@ += 40 12@ -= 120 0087: 5@ = 11@ // (float)
:NONAME_7323 32@ = 0
:NONAME_7330 wait 0 0087: 1@ = 11@ // (float) 0087: 2@ = 12@ // (float) 0087: 3@ = 1@ // (float) 3@ += 300 0087: 4@ = 2@ // (float) 4@ += 35 Render.DrawText(0@, "S H P O R A", 1@, 2@, -6632961) 2@ += 35 Render.DrawLine(1@, 2@, 3@, 4@, 12, -16777216) 3@ -= 4 if 803B: not 5@ == 3@ // (int) else_jump @NONAME_7492 Render.DrawLine(1@, 2@, 5@, 4@, 8, -1761505) jump @NONAME_7513
:NONAME_7492 Render.DrawLine(1@, 2@, 5@, 4@, 8, -16459260)
:NONAME_7513 2@ += 14 Render.DrawText(0@, "VALDAN", 1@, 2@, -16776961) 1@ += 140 Render.DrawText(0@, "BLAST{0077FF}HACK.NET", 1@, 2@, -6632961) 32@ >= 10 else_jump @NONAME_7330 if 803B: not 5@ == 3@ // (int) else_jump @NONAME_7631 5@ += 1
:NONAME_7631 if key_down 119 else_jump @NONAME_7651 wait 2000
:NONAME_7651 SAMP.IsLocalPlayerSpawned else_jump @NONAME_7323 wait 1000 Render.ReleaseFont(0@)
:NONAME_7670 0A93: end_custom_thread
:NONAME_7672 if $707 == 16 else_jump @NONAME_7730 printf "~y~NO SAMPFUNCS 5.3.1 ~r~error" 10000 0A93: end_custom_thread
:NONAME_7730 return
:NONAME_7732 if 8AAB: not file_exists "CLEO\SHPORA.cs" else_jump @NONAME_7977 SAMP.Disconnect(0) chatmsg "{FF1100} Внимание !!!" 64154 chatmsg "{FFC900} Скрипт {00FF00} SHPORA.cs {FFC900} был переименован!" 64154 chatmsg "{FF1100} Он не будет работать, пока не вернете прежнее имя." 64154 chatmsg "{FF4235} Запуск не возможен !" 64154 0A93: end_custom_thread
:NONAME_7977 if 8AAB: not file_exists "CLEO\Admin_Checker.cs" else_jump @NONAME_8034 0AB3: var 174 = 1 run "SHPORA.cs"
:NONAME_8034 return